Camí de la Justada, 5
08170 Montornès del Vallès (Barcelona)
Some data:
Stages of education: | Secondary Education (GCSE), Vocational Education and Training (VET) |
Groups: | 17 |
Teachers: | 46 |
Students: | 389 |
Buildings: | 2 |
Classrooms: | 27 |
Before using GHC, an external company made the timetables of our educational centre. All data was sent to this company, and specific requests were expressed to them.
We thought that we could apply all the data directly in the programme instead of giving them to the company. So that, we did not depend on external agents, and it would be cheaper.
The software is useful because you can obtain many results to evaluate the most appropriate. Moreover, you can gather the information from several points of view once you have the final timetable.
We use the Peñalara software, GHC, over the past two years. Surely, we still do not know all the possibilities it can offer us. Hitherto, the expectations are met.
To me, what I appreciate most is the personal advice and attention offered by the team. I only miss that we do not have the service near, for instance, the company could have a subsidiary in Catalonia, that could attend the educational events that are given here.