Automatically find weekly timetables for educational institutions of any type and complexity. Aimed at schools, secondary schools, baccalaureate, vocational training institutions, higher education, universities, colleges, art schools, music schools, etc.
We offer service to every user through quality software. Our team will accompany you until you get the solution for your timetable, with the experience of more than 25 years helping thousands of schools around the world.
Organise the timetable to meet your requirements and optimise it according to your criteria. Seek and find a compromise that will (1) increase student achievement, (2) improve classroom using, and (3) provide greater teacher job satisfaction.
Use our web and mobile app to collaborate in the preparation and day-to-day management of the timetable. Publish and view timetables on the calendar with the GHC App, manage teacher absences and substitutions and generate labor reports.
GHC is so easy to use that you don't have to be a computer expert to operate it.
The engine is highly efficient and delivers results quickly and automatically thanks to GHC's artificial intelligence.
Timetable optimisation looks at your preferences and criteria to get the best solution for your school.
You can modify the class timetable to present it in various formats and transfer it to academic managers, both public and private.
The GHC subscription includes user support, both in terms of software operation and advice on your particular timetables.
At Peñalara Software we maintain a constant commitment to our users by continually updating our software.
GHC App is available through different profiles: administrator, teacher and student. You can publish and share the timetable on the calendar, manage absences and substitutions, create reports between dates or delegate the collection of data and assignments to the departments to prepare the timetables.