Download GHC

Download the latest version of GHC by clicking on the link below


In order to activate each GHC installation on your computers you will need your username and password.

In order to obtain them you can request them here or fill in the form that the software will offer you once installed.

GHC activation

When you enter your username and password in the GHC installation:

  • If you are not a subscriber, your GHC installation will be activated directly in trial mode for 10 teachers.
  • If you are a subscriber, the software will be activated for the number of teachers in your subscription.


Log in to your private area to request and manage your subscription.

You can enter your private area on this website to request and manage your subscription. You will be offered a subscription to GHC at a different price depending on the capacity you need.

Alternatively, you can subscribe to GHC Lite for free.

The modification in the conditions of your subscription that you make from the private area will be reflected in the installations that you have activated with your username and password.

Operating systems

This program is compatible with any version of Windows, starting with Windows 7.

By using Windows emulators it could work with the rest of the operating systems: Linux, iOS, etc.

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